
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Top Three Winners - Colours Challenge #96 and Sketch Challenge #97

Hello!  We apologize for the unexpected delay in announcing our winners from the past two challenges.  So without further ado, let's get to business...

Here are the winners from Colours Challenge #96 
(in numerical order of entry into the challenge):

Perfect Pear - photo by Deborah Frings - Deborah's Gems

And now, the winners from Sketch Challenge #98:
(once again, in numerical order of entry into the challenge)

A hearty congratulations goes out to all of our winners!  
Please feel welcome to display our winners' badge on your blog:

Winners Blog Button

We have a new challenge starting Thursday morning, and we hope you'll join us for it! 


  1. Thanks for the vote of confidence in picking my card. The challenge was a lot of fun!

  2. Thanks so much for picking my card as a winner for challenge 96. Congrats to everyone else too!

  3. Ooooh thank you sooo much!! I'm fairly new to blogging so this is a great boost! Hazel xx

  4. Thank you so much for picking my card! Congrats to all the others, your cards are stunning!

  5. Thank you so much for picking my Perfect Pear card as one of the Top 3 for #96 - I'm thrilled to bits. I'm happy to say that the happy couple liked the card too! Congratulations to my fellow winners xx


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