Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Challenge #260 - Colours

Hello there!  It's Patricia here again, welcoming you to another challenge at CAS Colours & Sketches. 

Here in Virginia where I live, the weather has been very changeable over the last week, with high temperatures around 70°F last Thursday, sleet and freezing rain last Saturday, and today and tomorrow it's supposed to be in the low to mid 70s again!  Hopefully this week's colors will make us all think of springtime, which should be on its way soon. 

We've used Stampin' Up colour names for reference; however, you may use any companies' products for your cards as long as you match our colours as closely as possible. You may also use neutral colours for card layers, sentiments, and image outlines. However, in order to be considered for our weekly winners, you must not use any other colours.

Our design team has created the following cards to inspire you:




Guest Designer - Charlotte/Lady Joyful

Our challenge requirements are listed in the Challenge Rules tab. Please read them carefully before linking your card. Happy crafting!

Challenge End Time: 6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time/11:00 p.m. London U.K. time Monday, February 26, 2018


  1. Beautiful colours and DT inspiration!

  2. Hi Guys - I know I'm too late for the challenge, but I thought you might like to see my, much more CAS, card using the colours: https://debsgems.blogspot.com/2018/02/uniko-kindness-blooms-and-fun-flowers.html


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