Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekly Winners - Sketch Challenge #137

There were some fantastic cards submitted for last week's sketch challenge!  The Design Team really enjoyed seeing what everyone created!  The participants didn't make it easy for us, but we've finally chosen the following cards as our Weekly Winners.  In order of entry into the challenge, we congratulate:

Well done, ladies! Please feel welcome to copy our winners' badge and display it on your blog:

We'd love to have you play along in our current challenge: #138 - Colours. You have until 11:00 p.m. London U.K. time /6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time Wednesday, August 26 to link your card to the challenge post.  Come on and join in the fun and creativity!  Remember, the more participants we have, the more Weekly Winners we'll pick!


  1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this card - I certainly enjoyed making it. Great challenge!

  2. What a wonderful surprise to see my card in this week's line-up . Thank you so much; you've definitely brightened this 'back to work, school's started' Monday! My blog will wear your badge proudly! Congrats to Jan and Brenda: awesome cards!


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