Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Winners - Christmas Colours Challenge #153

Thank you to everyone who got into the holiday spirit with us in last week's challenge!  We enjoyed seeing how you turned our previous colour challenges into festive cards!

The Design Team has chosen the following cards as our Weekly Winners.  In order of entry into the challenge, we congratulate:

Well done, ladies! Please feel welcome to copy our winners' badge and display it on your blog:

If you haven't played along with us yet this week, there is still time to join in our last challenge of the year, our Christmas Sketch challenge.  Browse through the Sketch Challenges Archive tab up at the top of the page and choose one of our sketches from 2015 to create a holiday card. You have until 11:00 p.m. London U.K. time /6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time Wednesday, December 16, 2015 to link your card to the challenge post.  After this challenge closes, we'll be taking a holiday break, and will return with a new challenge on January 7, 2016.  We'd love to have you join us!


  1. woooooooooohhoooooooooooooooooooo .... Ladies you made my day !!!!
    Thanks a bunch for choosing one of my cards.
    Congrats to all winners !!!!
    CU hellerlittle

  2. Thank you so much for selecting my card as one of the winners! WOW!

    Congratulations to all of the winners, fabulous cards!!


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