Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekly Winners: Colour Challenge #159

Thank you for all the beautiful entries into February's first colour challenge!  We love seeing all the different interpretations of our colours and sketches each week! Two of the entries tied for first place in our voting with two of the others jumping at their heels! Therefore we have included an extra Weekly Winner for this week.  In order of entry into the challenge, we congratulate:


Congratulations to the winners! Please feel welcome to copy our winners' badge and display it on your blog:

Thank you to everyone else for sharing your cards with us! If you haven't played along with us yet this week, there is still time to join in our current sketch challenge #160. You have until 11:00 p.m. London U.K. time /6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time Wednesday 17th February to link your card to the challenge post. We'd love to have you join us!


  1. Thank you for selecting my card as a weekly Winner! To all winners: congratulations! The color scheme was inspirational! My blog will wear the CAS Colors & Sketches badge proudly! Hugs Ilse Stouten

  2. I'm flapping my *wings* with joy in seeing my card standing alongside those designed by Ilse, Maaike and Lynn. Such an honour: THANK YOU and congratulations to all the winners! My blog will be wearing your badge with pride!

  3. congrats everyone and yay me ;-)


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