Friday, May 19, 2017

Weekly Winners - Sketch Challenge #222

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's challenge!  We enjoyed seeing the different interpretations of our sketch.  The Design Team has chosen the following cards as our Weekly Winners.  In order of entry into the challenge, we congratulate:

Jay Soriano Mitosu Crafts Stampin Up UK Wood Words Order Stampinup Online Shop CC&S 2

A round of applause to our winners!  Please feel welcome to copy our winners' badge and display it on your blog:

Some pretty cards have already been submitted for our current challenge: #223 - Colours. Is yours one of them?  You have until 6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time/11:00 p.m. London U.K. time Monday, May 22, 2017 to link your card to the challenge post.  We'd love to have you join us!


  1. Thank you for choosing my card - I find CAS a real challenge and its great to receive some encouragement. Thank you for a great blog!

  2. Oooh ! Thank you so much Ladies ! I'm so honoured and happy ! Thanks for the Great challenges every week !


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