Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Challenge #229 - Sketch

Hello all it's Jane here. Welcome to the final June Challenge here at CAS Colours & Sketches and this is also to be my final gig as a member of the DT.

This week it's a sketch which I really hope you'll enjoy using - it's certainly a favourite layout of mine.

I'm looking for one element larger than the other two, but they don't have to be circles. I'm happy for you to change the width of the chevron slightly and feel free to flip or rotate the sketch when creating your card. 

Here is some inspiration from the design team to jump start your creativity:

Our challenge requirements are listed in the Challenge Rules tab. Please read them carefully before linking your card. Happy crafting!

Challenge End Time: 6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time/11:00 p.m. London U.K. time Monday, 3rd July, 2017.


  1. Can I enter the challenge even if I don't have a blog?

    1. Sure! If you can post it somewhere on the internet the linky tool should let you input the URL to the photo. Email me if you need help!


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