Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Challenge #314 - Sketch

Wow, this month has flown by and it means that this is my last challenge for the month.

Thank you for joining us for the last three weeks and I hope you have enjoyed taking part. Anyhow, seeing as it's the fourth Tuesday of the month, it's time for a sketch.

Feel free to flip or rotate the sketch when creating your card.

The design team has created the following cards to inspire you:

Guest Designer - Nisha

Our challenge requirements are listed in the Challenge Rules tab. Please read them carefully before linking your card. Happy crafting!

Challenge End Time: 6:00 p.m. Eastern U.S. time Monday, 1 April.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful design inspirations by the design team members as always. I enjoy playing along your challenges and this month has been quite more exciting too. Being chosen as a GD this month, I loved every bit of it.

    I once again thank the whole CAS colours and sketches group for giving me an honour to be a part of their challenges. Thank you Fiona, Patricia, Jeanne, Wei, Samantha, Holly, Karen and YoonYoung.


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