Monday, February 24, 2014

Challenge #61 - Top Three Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in our sketch challenge last week!  We enjoyed seeing all the different takes on the sketch.  Congratulations to the following people, whose cards are the Design Team's Top Three picks:



Way to go, Ladies!  You're welcome to post our winners' badge on your blogs:

We are really loving what our challenge participants have been making for this week's color challenge!  If you haven't joined in it yet, you have until 1:00 p.m. Eastern time/6:00 pm GMT Wednesday, February 26 to link your clean and simple card.  We hope you'll share your work with us!


  1. I can't seem to get to Margaret's post with details on how she made her card. I really like it a lot. When I click on her name nothing happens but when I click on the other winners I can get to their blogs.

    1. Tonilea, thanks for letting us know. I've fixed the link.

  2. Congrats to the awesome ladies and thanks for the shout out!!! Yayness!!! :)


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