Thursday, January 10, 2013

CAS Colours & Sketches Challenge #7 - Sketch

We have a fab new sketch for you this week - take a look

Please feel free to flip or rotate the sketch but please keep the same basic elements so that we are able to recognise the sketch.
Here is this week's inspiration from the design team


  1. Oh cool sketch and awesome DT makes too!! Hope to play along this week too!! Thanks for inspiring me to keep my resolution xx (which is to make more C&S cards this year! Hugs Samantha x

  2. Thanks for the challenge. I don't do too many CAS so it is really a challenge for me. Your sketch inspired me.

  3. Another FABULOUS sketch! Thanks for the challenge, gals, and the fabulous DT work for inspiration! :)

  4. YAY!! I made it and now can not wait for hte next challenge! thanks girls!


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