Monday, March 09, 2015

Top Three Winners - Challenge #113

Hello!  Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's sketch challenge.  The Design Team was pleased to see so many lovely entries!  Please join me in giving a round of applause to our lucky top three winners, listed here in order of entry into the challenge:


Congratulations to our winners!  Please feel welcome to copy our winners' badge from our sidebar and display it on your blog.

There's still plenty of time to join in our current colours challenge if you haven't yet!  We've love to have you play along with us.  Link your card by 1:00 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday, March 11.  We can't wait to see what you create!


  1. Thank you so very much for choosing my card as one of the winning entries. I couldn't be more delighted.
    Do keep up the great challenges, I really enjoy them!
    Chrissie x

  2. Wow, thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the winners! You have made my day :-)
    Cat xx

  3. Thanx! Loved to join and like being in the top 3 very much!
    grtz. Colien


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